Deon Sumer

  • 1. “Drag” Race was the first television show to put Drag Queens in a good light. Shows before typically showed drag queens as victims or antagonists. However, Ru Paul had to wait for the opportune time to premiere the show.

    2. I’ve never given thought to the fact that Ru Paul also needs to be concerned about feminists’ critique. After all, the…[Read more]

  • Deon Sumer started the topic 13th in the forum Weekly Takeaways 7 years, 3 months ago

    1. Crack vs Cocaine: Cocaine was considered a suburban drug and being more sophisticated, while crack was cheaper and frequented black communities. The “War on Drugs” was actually a war on minority and poor communities. This war was passed down through three presidencies.

    2. The reason US prisons are so populated and take up 25% of the world’s…[Read more]

  • Deon Sumer started the topic Week 3 in the forum Weekly Takeaways 7 years, 3 months ago

    1. The term “white privilege” has never set right with me. Though I know there are many meanings for the term, I can sympathize with the article “Explaining white privilege to a broke white person”.

    2. I think it’s important to look at how many different percentages of races of country currently has. It isn’t simply white and black, anymore.

    3.…[Read more]

  • 1. If Zoe Saldana is half black and half another minority race, she should be eagerly accepted into the role.

    2. Zoe is being treated unfairly by not being accepted by either the Black acting roles nor the Latina acting roles.

    3. If equality is the goal of society, why is Zoe being pushed into labeling herself as one or the other?

  • Deon Sumer changed their profile picture 7 years, 3 months ago

  • Deon Sumer became a registered member 7 years, 3 months ago